General Terms and Conditions

Please note the financial risks associated with trading stock exchange instruments. The products offered do not constitute a financial service or investment advice. The provided contents serve only the personal further education. The provider expressly distances himself from any advisory function. The provider is not a licensed, certified financial planner or advisor. You should be aware of all the risks associated with foreign exchange trading and seek advice from an independent financial advisor if you have any doubts.

Scope of application

The general terms and conditions (GTC) apply to all business relationships (contracts) between the customer and provider. With the conclusion of a contract, the customer recognizes the GTC as valid. The provider renders the services on the basis of these GTC.

Terms of use

1.1 All offers are directed exclusively at adults within the meaning of applicable law. The acquisition by minors is excluded.

1.2 The provider guarantees the provision of learning materials. An advisory function is excluded. There is no investment advice. Recommendations and advice regarding profitable trading of stock exchange instruments are not part of the offer.

1.3 By purchasing a product and concluding a contract, the customer accepts that the provision and communication is guaranteed by third-party providers and that technical disruptions may occur. In particular, events outside the scope of authorization, such as power outages, can lead to a temporary disruption. Therefore, 100% technical availability is not feasible, although the provider will make every effort to find a replacement in the event of any disruptions.

1.4 Access to educational content is partially provided by the third-party provider Pcloud. By using the service, the customer accepts the applicable terms of use and privacy policy of the third-party provider. Further information on the terms of use of the provider Pcloud can be found on the following website: https://www.pcloud.com/de/terms_and_conditions.html 

1.5 Online seminars are conducted via Google Meet and Discord. The customer accepts the applicable terms of use and privacy notices on the part of the third-party providers. Further information:

Google Meet Terms of Use: https://policies.google.com/terms
Discord Terms of use: https://discord.com/terms 

1.6 The community server (chat room) is provided via Discord. By using this service, the customer accepts the applicable terms of use and privacy policy of the third party provider.

Discord Terms of use: https://discord.com/terms 

1.7 As a user, you agree to keep all access data secret. The disclosure to third parties is not permitted. Upon conclusion of the contract, the customer is obligated to inform the provider immediately if access data is lost to third parties. The provider reserves the right to change access data at regular intervals. Changes will be communicated to the user.

1.8 Seminars that do not take place due to illness on the part of the provider or technical disruptions (e.g. 1.2), will be continued as soon as possible or will take place at the earliest possible date. In the event of technical disruptions, the provider will make every effort to provide an appropriate replacement.

1.9 The provider reserves the right to discontinue offers due to unreasonable changes in life circumstances. Should such a case occur, the provider will endeavor to maintain the existing offer. Changes and adjustments to offers are possible.

1.10 With the conclusion of the contract, the customer recognizes both, the GTC and the data protection notice as valid.

Reservation of use

2.1 The offer is to be used in accordance with the GTC.

2.2 Users are specifically responsible for ensuring that their access does not violate any statutory provisions, regulations or third-party rights. The provider shall be entitled to take appropriate measures to protect its legitimate interests. This includes, for example, denying customer access, terminating the contract, reporting actions to the relevant authorities.

2.3 These measures refer in particular to users who violate legal regulations, copyright, rights of third parties or the GTC.

Prices - Terms of payment

3.1 All prices stated are to be understood as final prices including VAT. There are no subsequent costs. Transaction fees are usually borne by the provider.

3.2 By carrying out the payment transaction via PayPal as payment provider, the user accepts the valid terms of use. Information from PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/de/webapps/mpp/ua/useragreement-full 

3.3 For the processing of offers and products, the use of remote communication means (e.g. internet access) is required. Costs incurred for the personal use of means of distance communication shall be borne by the customer.

Contract and notice periods

4.1 Some offers are limited in time. After expiry of the term, the contract shall end unless the contract is expressly extended.

4.2 Contracts without a term end upon termination by the customer.

4.3 Unless expressly agreed otherwise, contract periods begin with the conclusion of the contract and the handover of access data.

4.4 The notice period for a contract without a fixed term is 14 days to the end of the selected payment interval.

Scope of use of the contents

5.1 All materials provided are intended for private use. Publication, distribution or reproduction is not permitted. In case of disregard, the copyright law applies.


6.1 All content is subject to copyright (5.x).

6.2 The customer receives a simple right of use.

6.3 The distribution, duplication, modification, the filming, as well as all associated copyright processes and also the attempt is contradicted, unless expressly agreed otherwise.

6.4 Contents are intended for self-study.

Cancellation policy

You generally have the right to revoke contracts within fourteen (14) days without giving any reason.

To ensure a full refund, please be aware not to claim access to the cloud and community (chat room) ahead of any seminar. There are two buttons on the user dashboard, to unlock the password for accessing the cloud and to claim the invitation link for joining the chat room. Once these buttons are clicked, there is no possibility for a full refund.

This is the only way to ensure a full refund in case of a revocation.

7.1 In order to make use of your right of withdrawal, you must inform the provider of your decision to withdraw by means of a clear declaration, for example by email. It is sufficient to inform the provider of your decision that you wish to revoke the contract.

Email address: info[at]byteducate.com 

You can use the following sample revocation template for this purpose:

- To: info[at]byteducate.com
- I hereby revoke (*) the purchase/acquisition of the following product(s)/membership(s) (*)
- Date of purchase: (*)
- Method of payment used (*)
- Name of purchaser
- Address of the purchaser (if required)
- Signature (paper form only)
- Date

7.2 Contracts without a fixed term

For contracts without a fixed term, the generally applicable 14-day right of return applies. Services (seminars or content / digital goods, community access (chat room) that have already been accessed shall be reimbursed to the provider with an appropriate amount. This amount will be credited to the refund.

7.3 Contracts with a fixed term

For contracts with a fixed term, the generally applicable 14-day right of return applies. Services (seminars or content / digital goods, community access (chat room) that have already been accessed shall be reimbursed to the provider with an appropriate amount. This will be credited to the refund amount.

7.4 In order to comply with any revocation periods, a correspondingly informal revocation by email is sufficient.

Risk notice - personal responsibility

8.1 The contents of all offers merely represent information and are expressly not recommendations.

8.2 Any liability on the part of the provider is excluded. Materials and learning content provided are for the purpose of personal further education. A guarantee for profitable trading can not be given by the provider.

8.3 The provider expressly distances himself from any advisory function.

8.4 The accuracy of the content cannot be guaranteed. The provider strives to constantly improve the offer. If you use the offer to be able to act independently, you yourself bear the responsibility for your decisions.


Unless otherwise stated and without prejudice to the applicable statutory product liability provisions and liability for other damages based on intentional or grossly negligent breach of duty by the provider, users have no right to claim damages against the provider (or any natural person or legal entity acting on its behalf). In the event of a breach of material contractual obligations, the provider shall only be liable for the foreseeable damage typical of the contract, unless it is a matter of claims for damages arising from product liability provisions. The use of the offers is at your own responsibility and risk. The provider expressly excludes all guarantees. Information provided are for personal further education and are expressively not to be understood as recommendations. The provider does not owe any particular success. The provider does not guarantee that content is correct. The use is at own risk. The customer himself is responsible for any consequences that may occur. The provider expressively distances himself from any advisory function. All contents offered serve the personal further education.

Dispute resolution

The EU Commission has created an internet platform for online dispute resolution. The platform serves as a contact point for the out-of-court settlement of disputes concerning contractual obligations arising from online sales contracts. More detailed information is available at the following link: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr 

In this context, a reference to the email address of the provider. This is: info[at]byteducate.com 

The provider will endeavor to resolve any disagreements arising from our contract amicably. Beyond that, there is no obligation to participate in arbitration proceedings.

Data protection

The provider endeavors to apply and update data protection in accordance with the DSGVO (General Data Protection Regulation) in a legally compliant and best possible manner. For more details, please refer to the data protection notice.

Final provisions

The law of the Federal Republic of Germany shall apply to contracts between the provider and the customer. The contract remains binding in its remaining parts even if individual points are legally invalid. Instead of the ineffective points, the legal regulations, if any, shall apply.
